Location-Based Service Terms

Effective Date: January 11, 2024


Article 1: Purpose

These terms and conditions govern the rights, duties, and responsibilities between the company and users of the location-based services (hereinafter referred to as "location information services") provided by PLUGLINK Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). They also cover other necessary matters.


Article 2: Effectiveness and Changes to the Terms

  1. These terms and conditions become effective for all users wishing to use the services.
  2. When a user clicks the "Agree" button, it is considered that the user has read, fully understood, and agreed to the terms.
  3. he Company may modify these terms to reflect changes in location-based services or other reasons, as long as it does not violate relevant laws.
  4. The Company may modify the terms to reflect changes in laws or location-based services, among other reasons.
  5. In the event of changes to the terms, the Company will notify users of the existing terms, revised terms, the effective date of the revised terms, and the reasons for the changes, at least 7 days prior to the effective date, through the Company's website or other methods.
  6. However, if the changes involve significant alterations to user rights, the Company will post the changes at least 30 days in advance.
  7. If the Company notifies users that failure to express objection within 7 days after the notice or notification date will be considered as acceptance of the revised terms, and the user does not express their intention, it will be deemed that the user has accepted the revised terms. If users do not agree with the revised terms, they may withdraw their consent to these terms.


Article 3: Rules Not Specified in the Terms

For matters not specified in these terms, the Company will follow laws related to the protection and use of location information, personal information protection laws, telecommunications business laws, and other relevant regulations, as well as the guidelines set by the Company.


Article 4: Service Content

The Company provides location-based services using location information collected from location information providers or directly from objects. These services include:

(1) Simple Charging Function: PnC charging service that collects and provides users' location information through a Bluetooth module.


Article 5: Rights and Exercise Methods of Individual Location Information Subjects

  1. Users may withdraw all or part of their consent for the provision of location-based services using personal location information and for the third-party provision of personal location information at any time. In such cases, the Company will destroy the collected personal location information and the related confirmation materials of usage and provision.
  2. Users may request a temporary suspension of the collection, use, or provision of their personal location information at any time, and the Company cannot refuse such requests and has the necessary technical means to accommodate them.


Article 6: Basis and Retention Period for Location Information Usage and Provision Confirmation Materials

Based on Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Law on Protection and Use of Location Information, the Company automatically records location information usage and provision confirmation materials (such as recipients, acquisition routes, usage/provision dates, and methods) in the location information system and retains them for 6 months.


Article 7: Changes or Suspension of Service Content

  1. If the Company changes or terminates the service content, it may notify users of the changes or termination via SMS to the contact information registered by the users.
  2. In the case mentioned in Paragraph 1, notifications to an unspecified large number of users can be made through the Company's website or other public notices.


Article 8: Use and Provision of Personal Location Information

  1. When the Company intends to use personal location information to provide services, it must specify this in the terms and obtain consent from the individual to whom the personal location information pertains.
  2. The Company does not provide users' personal location information to third parties without their consent and will inform users in advance of the recipients and purposes of any third-party services provided.
  3. When the Company provides personal location information to a third party designated by the user, it will immediately notify the user via the communication device that collected the personal location information about the recipient, the date and time of provision, and the purpose of provision. However, in cases where the communication device does not support receiving messages or where the user has requested notification to a specific communication device or email address, the Company will provide notice to the specified device or address.

(1) When the communication device that collected the personal location information does not have the capability to receive text, voice, or video messages.

(2) When the user has previously requested notification to a communication device or email address other than the one that collected the personal location information.

  1. Limitations on the Use and Provision of Personal Location Information: The Company will not use or provide personal location information or location information usage/provision confirmation materials beyond the scope specified in these terms or separately notified, except with the user's consent or in the cases outlined below.

(1) When location information usage and provision confirmation materials are required for billing related to location-based services.

(2) When the information is processed into a form that cannot identify specific individuals for statistical purposes, academic research, or market analysis.


Article 9: Purpose and Retention Period of Personal Location Information

The Company retains personal location information as follows for the purpose of providing location-based services.

  1. Once the purpose of providing location-based services as per Article 4 of these terms is achieved, personal location information will be promptly destroyed.
  2. However, for the purpose of providing location-based services, personal location information may be retained for the minimum period necessary to achieve the intended purpose.
  3. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 1 and 2, if there are legitimate reasons under other laws or the Location Information Law that require retention, those provisions shall apply.


Article 10: Compensation for Damages

Individuals affected by violations of Articles 15 to 26 of the Location Information Protection and Use Act by the Company may claim compensation for damages. In such cases, the Company cannot avoid responsibility by proving that there was no intent or negligence.


Article 11: Dispute Resolution

  1. If a dispute related to location information cannot be resolved through consultation with the individual affected, or if consultation is not possible, the Company may request arbitration from the Korea Communications Commission.
  2. If a dispute related to location information cannot be resolved through consultation between the parties or if consultation is not possible, either the Company or the individual concerned may request mediation from the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.


Article 12: Business Information and Location Information Management Officer

  1. The company's name, address, telephone number, and other contact information are as follows.
  • Company Name: PlugLink Inc.
  • Address: 11th Floor, 311 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea
  • Phone Number: +82-1533-0702
  • Email Address: charge@pluglink.kr
  1. The Company designates an individual in a position capable of taking substantive responsibility for properly managing and protecting location information, as well as efficiently handling complaints from individuals concerned, as the Location Information Management Officer.