불편한 전기차 충전 경험을
기술로 바꾸어 나갑니다.

Transforming the inconvenient EV charging experience with technology.

불편한 전기차 충전 경험을 기술로 바꾸어 나갑니다.


PLUGLINK, the fastest growing
charge point operator in Korea

• 2025 환경부 전기차 충전 완속 보조 사업자 선정

Selected as EV charging subsidy provider by the Ministry of Environment for 2024

2023 Ministry of Environment Government Project: Ranked 1st in Securing Orders for Slow Chargers

Selected as EV charging subsidy provider by the Ministry of Environment for 2023
Selected as EV charging subsidy provider by the Ministry of Environment for 2022


by the numbers

2025년 2월 기준

Contracted chargers

0 +

Operating charging stations

0 +

Active members


전기차 충전은 당연히 편리하고 안전해야죠.

전기차 충전이 의무가 아닌 모두의 일상이 될 때까지


불편한 충전 경험을 해결하는
100% 앱 기반 충전 서비스

PnC 충전 서비스 ‘간편충전’을 포함
다양한 편의 기능이 꾸준히 업데이트 돼요.


아파트 입주민의 안전과 편의를
모두 생각하는 전기차 충전소

플러그링크 커넥트가 24시간 모니터링하며
화재 위험까지 모두 선제적으로 대응해요.


안정적인 전기차 충전 수익을 만드는
유휴부지 맞춤형 비즈니스 솔루션

플러그링크의 운영 노하우와 함께
유휴부지의 새로운 가치를 발견해 보세요.

Mobile App.

No QR needed
Charging starts
immediately upon plugging in

With the Bluetooth-based patented technology,
you can experience PnC charging services regardless of the vehicle model.

Simple Start

Quick and easy registration completed
with just your name and phone number

Automatic Payment

Register your preferred payment methods,
such as partner cards and roaming cards

Respectful Charging Culture

Share departure times non-face-to-face
to be considerate of your charging neighbors


The power management technology
‘Smart Charging’ creates an intelligent
EV charging station power system.

The power management technology
‘Smart Charging’ creates an intelligent
EV charging station power system.

Based on data such as charging patterns and power demand for each EV charging station,

we build customized power systems to manage energy costs and enhance charging efficiency,
achieving sustainable operation of electric vehicle charging stations.

• Power distribution technology: Peak Shifting

Distribute power usage during peak times
to reduce damage from overloading within buildings
and manage energy costs economically.

• Power distribution technology: Load Balancing

By distributing power according to charging utilization,
it is possible to install more than twice as many EV chargers
compared to other providers within a limited power grid.

Management System.

Integrated Management System for
EV Charging Stations ‘Pluglink Connect’

In the event of a malfunction at an electric vehicle charging station or charger, it is immediately
reflected in the integrated management system, ensuring prompt action.
Experience the difference in electric vehicle charging services managed by Pluglink Connect.

Key Features of Pluglink Connect


Dashboard by charging station

Real-time power control for charging stations

Construction information and material management

Detailed charging history by charger

Accumulated Request History


24/7 Monitoring

Real-time monitoring of communication status

Malfunction detection such as high temperature

Fire detection alert SMS

Total charge amount and frequency

User Data

Charge and payment history

Payment and roaming method management

Crediting charging points

Personal data management and protection

Fire Safety Plan.

Minimize the
risk of fire

Maximum compensation
for damages

We prevent fire risks proactively and minimize damage through a rapid response and compensation system based on an integrated management system.

환경부 기술요구 인증 획득한

화재예방형 PLC모뎀 탑재된

‘스마트 제어’ 충전기 설치

• 충전 중 전기차의 배터리 정보 수집이 가능한 충전기 설치

 화재 시 확산 방지를 위한 난연 재질의 충전기

충전기 이상 징후 데이터 시간 모니터링

 충전 중 전압, 전류, 온도, SOC, SOH 등 배터리 상태 정보 확인 가능

 과전압, 과전류, 접지사고, 내부과열 등 충전기 내 위험도 사전 감지 가능

[업계 최대] 영업배상책임보험 가입

 전문가 현장방문 및 피해상태 확인 통해 업계 최대 수준의 철저한 보상 책임

 안전하고 정상적인 충전서비스 운영 재개 지원 통해 불편 최소화 지원

EV Station Design.

Differentiated design which
increase the value of space

공간의 가치를 높이는
전기차 충전소 디자인

Pluglink's signature EV charging station 'PLUGROUND,'
explores the EV charging experience and space.


We come together for a convenient and safe
EV charging experience.

편리하고 안전한 전기차 충전 경험을 위해 플러그링크와 함께합니다

Installation Inquiry.

Support a wide range of EV charging business



