Terms of Service

Effective Date: January 11, 2024


Article 1: Purpose

This agreement sets forth the relationships, rights, obligations, and responsibilities between PlugLink Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') and individuals using the Company's services (hereinafter referred to as 'Users'), as well as all matters related to the use of the services.


Article 2: Definition of Terms

The meanings of terms used in this agreement are as follows. For terms not defined here, their meanings shall follow general trade practices.

  1. “Service”: Refers to the tasks and associated operations provided by the Company to the Users.
  2. “Charging Service”: Refers to the electric vehicle charging services provided by the Company to the Users, as part of the services described in Item 1.
  3. “User”: Refers to a customer who utilizes the Company’s services.
  4. “Account”: Refers to the account assigned to the user upon registration on the company's site.
  5. “Site”: Refers to the website and mobile applications operated by the Company to provide services to Users.


Article 3: Disclosure, Explanation, and Revision of Terms

  1. The Company will post the terms and conditions, as well as its name, business address, representative's name, and business registration number, on the Site so that Users can access this information. However, the specific content of the terms and conditions will be made available to Users through a linked screen.
  2. The effectiveness of these terms and conditions will be communicated online through the Site. Users are deemed to have agreed to comply with these terms and conditions by fully understanding them before using the services. Users who begin using the services are considered to have automatically agreed to abide by these terms. Additionally, unless otherwise defined within these terms, the meanings of the terms are as defined herein.
  3. If the Company deems it necessary to revise these terms, it may do so within the bounds of applicable laws. When revising the terms, the Company will specify the effective date and the reason for the revision, and will notify Users by posting the revised terms on the Site along with the current terms. The notice will be made from 7 days before the effective date (or 30 days if the revision is disadvantageous to Users) until the day before the effective date.
  4. If a user does not express explicit rejection in writing after the effective date announced in accordance with Paragraph 3, they shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms. Users who do not agree to the revised terms may terminate their use of the service by withdrawing from membership on the site. The company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the user due to lack of knowledge of the amendment to the terms, despite the actions taken in Paragraph 3.
  5. The Company may set separate terms and conditions for individual services based on the specific nature of the services provided, and obtain the consent of the Users for these terms. In such cases, the terms and conditions for the individual services will take precedence over these terms.


Article 4: Membership Registration Application

  1. Users shall proceed with membership registration according to the following procedures provided by the Company:

(1) Agreement to these Terms and Conditions

(2) Confirmation of Membership Registration Completion

  1. The Company will generally accept the membership application of Users who agree to these Terms and Conditions and provide accurate information. Applicants must complete the required fields provided by the Company and undergo the identity verification process. However, the Company may refuse membership applications or request the withdrawal of membership in cases falling under the following conditions:

(1) The User has previously lost membership status under these Terms and Conditions (unless the Company has granted approval for re-registration).

(2) The application is not in the applicant's real name or uses someone else’s name.

(3) The applicant provides false information or fails to fill in the required information as specified by the Company.

(4) The User's application is likely to hinder the normal provision of services or disrupt other Users' use of the services.

(5) The application cannot be approved due to the User's fault or violations of other specified conditions.

(6) The Company determines, based on relevant laws and regulations, that there is a clear risk of violating public order or moral standards.

  1. The membership registration review may be delayed in the following situations:

(1) When there is insufficient capacity in the Company's facilities or technical issues.

(2) When there is a service disruption or an issue with the payment method for service fees.

(3) When the Company deems it necessary due to financial or technical reasons.

  1. The Company may request real-name verification and identity authentication through specialized institutions or ask for additional documentation, depending on the type of service.
  2. Information provided by Users will be considered as their actual information, and the Company will not be responsible for any issues arising from false or outdated information.


Article 5: Content of Charging Services

  1. The Company provides the following services to Users:

(1) Mobile EV Charging Service

(2) Information Provision Service for Various Services Offered by the Company

  1. The Company may also develop and provide additional services beyond those specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article.


Article 6: Compliance Requirements for Using Charging Services

  1. Users must adhere to the Company's charging equipment usage guide when using the chargers. In the event of any issues during usage, they must immediately notify the Company to ensure the safety of themselves and other members.
  2. Users are responsible for any penalties, fines, or other disadvantages resulting from legal violations occurring during the use of the charging equipment. The Company will actively cooperate with relevant authorities in providing necessary documentation for the enforcement of legal violations.


Article 7: Provision of Usage Records and Information on Charging Services

  1. Information such as the amount of charge used and charging time at the charging station is transmitted from the charger to the Company’s server.
  2. Users can check their charging and other paid service usage history at any time through their customer account on the application operated by the Company.
  3. Data on charging amounts and usage statistics from the chargers may be used for purposes such as asset management and protection, verifying the normal operation of the chargers, billing based on charging amounts, and member services.


Article 8: Changes or Termination of Services

  1. The company may change or terminate the services it provides due to reasons such as a transition in business scope, mergers between companies, business discontinuation, or unavoidable business reasons. If there are changes to the content or method of providing services, the company will announce the reasons for the changes, the details of the changes, and the effective date on the PlugLink service screen at least 7 days prior to the changes. In the case of service termination, the company will provide a notice 30 days in advance. However, if there are unavoidable circumstances where prior notice is not possible, the company will announce the information as soon as possible afterward.
  2. The company may suspend all or part of the service in the event of the following circumstances:

(1) In the event of natural disasters, wars, riots, fires, strikes, acts of civil unrest, government control, or other reasons beyond the company’s reasonable control that may occur or are anticipated.

(2) When telecommunications services are not provided by telecommunications service providers.

(3) When there are reasons such as maintenance, inspection, replacement, or malfunction of the company's information and communication equipment, or disruption of communication.

(4) When the service is provided through a partnership with a third party and the service is changed or discontinued due to circumstances of the partner.

(5) When other circumstances significantly disrupt the smooth operation of the service.

  1. If the service content is changed, suspended, or terminated due to the reasons specified in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the company shall not be liable for compensation for any damages incurred by the user unless it is proven that the company acted with intent or negligence.


Article 9. Collection and Protection of Personal Information

  1. The company makes efforts to protect users' personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of users' personal information are governed by the company's Privacy Policy. However, the company's Privacy Policy does not apply to linked services that are not provided by the company.
  2. Except as required by law, the company shall not disclose to third parties any confidential information, including personal data of users obtained under Article 9.1, and shall not use such information for purposes other than those for which it was collected.
  3. The company may use the information specified in Article 9.2 for the purpose of promoting its services and products during the performance of the user contract, in accordance with the company's privacy policy. However, if the user expresses opposition via email or other means, the company will immediately cease such use.


Article 10. Use of Location Information

The Company collects users' location information via Bluetooth modules to support features such as easy charging, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The use of location information is governed by the Company's location-based service terms and conditions. However, the Company's location-based service terms do not apply to services linked outside of the Company’s provided services.


Article 11. Changes to User Information and Account Management

  1. Users must immediately update their information if there are any changes to the details provided at account creation or during the use of the service. The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages resulting from the failure to update such changes.
  2. The responsibility for managing the account rests with the user. If the user becomes aware that their account has been stolen or is being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions.
  3. The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages suffered by the user due to negligence in adhering to the precautions outlined in this section.


Article 12. Obligations of the Company

  1. The Company shall comply with relevant laws and fulfill its obligations as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions in good faith.
  2. The Company shall publicly disclose and comply with its Privacy Policy to ensure the protection of personal information and provide a safe service experience for users.
  3. The Company will address any valid opinions or complaints raised by users. If prompt resolution is difficult, the Company will post the reasons and the expected processing timeline on the service screen or notify the user using the method specified in Article 14.


Article 13. User's Obligations and Responsibilities

  1. All registered users are obligated to adhere to the provisions of these terms and conditions, as well as any guidelines and notices published by the Company.
  2. Users are obligated to pay the service usage fees set by the Company by the specified date.
  3. If there are any changes to the information registered on the site or system, users must promptly update such information. Users must not disclose or use any technical, business, or commercial secrets and other information obtained in connection with this contract to any third party without the Company’s prior written consent, except for the purpose of performing this contract.
  4. The user must review the terms and conditions, as well as other information and warnings provided by the company, and fully understand the content and structure of the service before using it. The user is responsible for using the service based on their own judgment and responsibility.
  5. The user must not access the company’s site through unauthorized websites or mobile applications, or allow a third party to access the site using their information.
  6. The user must not use physical force to alter or damage the EV charging equipment while using it.


Article 14: Notification to Users

  1. The company may notify users through one or more of the following methods to provide better service: by posting within the service, or by using written notices, email, phone, LMS, notification messages, or similar methods.
  2. In cases where the company notifies all users, it may substitute the notification referred to in Paragraph 1 by posting it within the service for at least 7 days.
  3. If a user’s information provided during the application process changes, they must promptly update their account information within the service or notify the company’s customer center of the changes. The company will not be held responsible for any issues arising from delays or omissions in updating information due to the user’s intention or negligence.


Article 15: Compensation for Damages

  1. The company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user in relation to the service, unless such damages are caused by the company's intent or negligence.
  2. If a user engages in illegal activities or violations of these terms in connection with the use of the service, and the company receives claims for damages or various complaints from third parties, the user must indemnify the company at their own responsibility and expense. If the company is not fully indemnified, the user shall compensate the company for all damages incurred as a result.


Article 16: Disclaimer

  1. The company shall not be held liable for the inability to provide the service due to natural disasters or other force majeure events.
  2. The company shall not be liable for any service interruptions caused by the user's fault.
  3. The company shall not be liable for the reliability or accuracy of the information, materials, or facts provided by the user, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the company.
  4. The company shall not be liable for any transactions or interactions that occur between users or between users and third parties facilitated by the service.


Article 17: Ownership of Copyright and Usage Restrictions

  1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights for works created by the company belong to the company.
  2. Users may not use the information obtained from the service for commercial purposes, such as reproducing, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, or allowing third parties to use it, without prior consent from the company.
  3. The copyright of any posts published by the user in the service belongs to the respective author of those posts.


Article 18: Posting of Advertisements, etc

  1. The company may post advertisements on the site and other platforms related to the service.
  2. The company may post various information and advertisements deemed necessary in relation to the user's use of the service on the site screen or provide them through push notifications.


Article 19: Handling of Member Complaints and Dispute Resolution

  1. The company provides guidance within the service on how users can submit their opinions or complaints for their convenience.
  2. If the opinions or complaints raised by the company or users are objectively recognized as valid, they will be handled promptly within a reasonable timeframe. However, if the processing takes a long time, the company will notify the user of the reasons for the delay and the processing schedule either by posting within the service or according to Article 14, Paragraph 1.


Article 20: Membership Withdrawal

  1. If a user wishes to terminate the service agreement during the period of use, they must either submit a withdrawal request directly through the site or express their intention to terminate the contract in writing to the company.
  2. The company will approve the user's withdrawal request and will delete the user’s registration information six months after the request, in accordance with the privacy policy.


Article 21: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea. In the event of a lawsuit arising between the company and the user, the competent court shall be determined in accordance with the procedures specified by law.
